“A crooked smile? Delete! Spinach between the teeth? Delete! A mole? Stretch marks? Delete, delete, delete. Not only the present is a victim of perfectionism, but also everything that we capture for the future.” Benjamin Heinrich, as a part of his bachelor work, investigates the beauty of the female body before retouching and asks the question of what sort of aesthetics is really tempting for us. „The fashion industry as well as fashion photography rule like a dictator, who spreads ironed uniforms to its subjects and sits back pleased in his ivory tower, when insanity turns into normality… When have we turned into visual zombies and is it worth to risk making the break off the train with its final stop zero line.“ The idea of critically dealing with society´s and a whole industry´s obsession with presenting the perfect, retouched human is not new, however Benjamin´s well-elaborated and detailed approach with his project “impression fashion makes” is strikingly appealing and the subtle seeming images give away really strong statements. The whole concept and photography is by Heinrich Benjamin. Make up artists are Julia Hausmann, Norma Krull, Yazmin Rodriguez and styling is by Natasha Gro. Assistant credits go to Amelie Rehm.